Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition


Break Up
Game: Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition
Genre: Indie, RPG
Developer: Behold Studios
Publisher: Paradox Interactive
Release Date: Jun 18, 2013
Platform: PC / Windows 7
Overall rating:  9/10
Graphics: 9/10
Controls: 9/10
Level/Puzzle Design:8/10
Sound: 9/10
Story: 8/10
Replay Value: 6/10
Community: N/A



In Knights of Pen and Paper you play the role of… well, players who take on the role of characters, who take part in a pen-and-paper RPG.

If you ever played good old pen and paper RPGs, then you’ll probably love the game and the things it will remind you of. Fights are turn based, everyone can gain experience and level up, you have props and aids to up stats, and more people can join your party as you progress through the game. There isn’t really much of a story aside from that, other than advancing and taking on quests… yet that doesn’t seem to be a problem in this game.

Like with Evoland, my enjoyment of “Knights… ” is based more on the fact that it reminds me of “good old times” as much as on the type of humor the game uses through it. The way the characters talk really makes you feel like you’re there playing with friends (or at least, like your character is there, playing with his or her friends). There’s also plenty of pop culture references throughout, which makes my geeky side smile whenever I come across them.

Unlike Evoland, however, this one is a longish, drawn out game in which you have to grind your levels up in order to advance, which is always on the lesser side of ‘fun’ for me as it becomes repetitive and tiresome after a while. Despite this, it’s a game I quite love. I’ve found myself playing it both, for a couple hours straight, as well as just picking it up when I have nothing better to do or have to waste a few minutes, to do a small fight or side quest. The fact that you can save whenever you want makes this particularly easy, ensuring you can grab it and drop it even on your busiest days.

The art and music style are rather nice (if a bit repetitive) – the music fits the pixelated style fairly well, by which I mean it’s 8-bit style of music. The controls are super easy to learn and use.

The game is very light and I’m willing to bet plays well in any type of computer, seeing as it works in both my desktop toaster and my netbook. If parody games are your thing, or if you miss pen and paper RPGs, I definitely recommend you give this one a try!

Someone pointed out to me that there IS replayability n trying different characters and finishing as fast as possible, but you CAN make the game last and change the characters during the same game, so if you’ve already done that, it’s kind of pointless to re-play it.

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